salam sayang dan rindu dari saya

Wednesday 25 February 2015

I’m On the Horizon

23 February 2015 Monday

Assalamualaikum w.b.t & selamat petang

Nampak mcm xde kje byk je kan duk update blog..padahal byk je..nk buat cmne this is my hobby..ok let continue what I want to share today. Nothing important but it nice. I just want to share my hobby..from this hobby I can be what I want to be.. When I was child, my father was taught me how to play chess. So, this hobby starts when I was 9 years old. Actually I’m stop playing chess for a while because another problem. I left this hobby for a long time. It been a year and this is a sad moment for me. Trauma for a while.

After I continue my study at Terengganu, they have are few people who playing chess & they know me a bit. So, after I meet with them, it was a much beautiful day for me, because it makes me remember to my beloved friend. Then, last week I enter the tournament for this year & it makes me feeling where I belong.

So, I like to share my memory with my family, friend & all of you. Let’s enjoy this moment together.

1st game dah kne lawan ngn cousin sendiri..huhuhu..

serius je main..

anis duk wassup sme tu??hehehe..

majlis penutup sedang di jalankan ..diketuai oleh Farid..

AJK ni sibuk main henset..atoyaiiii...

Bangga la tu Farid dapat num 3..hehe..

 ok utk kali pertama bg sem ni aq main chess dgn ada sedikit, lps ni kne bg 100% semangat tu kembali..i'll be back..

no one can understand what i'm feel when it come to the war..

Ok.. tq for visit this you..bye2..